What do you say when you got nuthin’ to say?

I got nuthin’….

No rants, no whines, no exciting news, nada…..I’m thinkin’ that’s kinda a good thing. I’ve been keeping my brain so busy with whirling thoughts of ALL THE CRAFTS I want to do that I haven’t had time to get pissed off about anything, and life in general is running on a pretty even keel…

I kinda like it….

Yesterday was trip #3 in a week to Hobby Lobby, plus I threw in one to Michael’s. ‘Cuz I don’t have enough crafty crap to do already….actually I needed a cart to store the crafty crap in, and some odds and ends to bring all the ideas in my noggin to fruition. Of course, once I get home with my treasure, I think of 67 other things I wanted needed. I cannot go back for awhile, my debit card is worn thin and Hubs expects the house to be stocked with groceries and other such practical nonsense….


Seriously, if I had won the damn lottery I’d have just bought the friggin’ Hobby Lobby and then ALL THE CRAFTINESS WOULD BE MINE. Muah ha ha!

Sunday I painted a canvas, hand lettered a song lyric on it, decided my hand lettering sucked and last night I painted over the whole thing…..did you know it’s hard to cover up sharpie marker with acrylic craft paint? I didn’t. I do now…


Also, I made my first paper flower last night whist waiting for the cover up coat #3 of paint to dry and watching the season premiere of “Game of Thrones”. Love that show, I’m reading the books (or would be if I wasn’t currently obsessed with the craft room redo)…

I really dig how it turned out, especially for a first try and while preoccupied with medieval antics….

Ya know my favorite thing about Hobby Lobby and Michael’s? They have more than just craft supplies. They have pretties….

This was needed. N.E.E.D.E.D....

It called to me from the 40% off Spring items isle…..I had no choice, really. I heeded it’s plaintive cry y’all.  It needed me, and I can never turn my back on a pretty vase in need. I’m a giver….

I told the checkout lady at Hobby Lobby when she greeted me by name that if my Hubs came in asking about me I was never there….Bitch better have my back, I’ve donated my paycheck to her store….

I could get a lot more crafting done if it wasn’t for this whole pesky job thing….Maybe I should work at Hobby Lobby….wonder what their employee discount is??



6 thoughts on “What do you say when you got nuthin’ to say?

  1. If I had any ambition, it would be to own a Hobby Lobby, except I’d put it out of business in a very short time, which kinda negates owning it….but I sure would be happy for a while!

    You have also infected me with craft-itis, somehow….and I’m currently going to be working on paper flowers myself for a project I’ve had in mind for a while now. (Keep infecting me, I need the motivation) Your flower is cool!

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